Get ready to show your "Flair" for travel šŸ¤—

Get ready to show your "Flair" for travel šŸ¤—

August 17, 2022

Estimated read time: 3Ā minutes and 57Ā seconds

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Hey friends. I've been keeping busy here in Panama City, but not too busy to keep you all in the loop about the latest and greatest travel deals... and maybe a few memes, too šŸ˜


Here's what I got for ya:

  • šŸ¤— Do you have "flair?"
  • āœˆļø The return ofĀ supersonic travel?
  • šŸ–¼ Amazing travel meme

šŸ¤—Ā $16 flights to Canada from multiple U.S. cities

Yup, you heard it right, folks. For the price of a Starbucks latte and a scone, you could fly yourself to the great Canadian North!

Gif - whats the catch

How is this possible, you ask? Let me tell you about Flair Airlines.

If you don't live in Canada, you may have never heard of Flair. They're essentially the Spirit Airlines of Canada, which as we discussed yesterday, is the Ryanair of the U.S.


Much like Spirit, Flair will charge you for anything you can think of - baggage, in-person check-in, changes and cancellations, etc. As long as you're okay with the incredibly restrictive fare rules, you could travel all over Canada for next to no cost.


Just from a quick search, I found fares from Nashville to Toronto for $16 and flights from San Francisco to Vancouver for $15. That's truly insane for an international flight. My Uber home from the airport last week cost twice as much as that šŸ˜­

Flair Airlines sample booking

Is it worth flying a budget airline to save a few bucks?


I definitely think so. Airfare in Canada these days is more expensive than ever, even more so than in the U.S.


Flair has been growing a lot in the last few years. They fly to just about every major city in Canada, as well as some smaller towns. They've also expanded their fleet to include mostly brand new planes, making for a pretty comfortable flying experience.


Given their expansion to cities in the U.S. like Nashville, New York, and San Francisco, Flair is an excellent option for getting you up to Canada on the cheap. This way you can save your money for poutine and hockey tickets šŸ’.

āœˆļø American Airlines buys new supersonic jet


Does this plane look familiar to you? šŸ‘‡


Probably notā€¦ That's because it hasn't flown for 20 years. But let me tell you more about it and how it's (sort of) making a comeback. If you are familiar with it you're either an aviation nerd like me or you've been around for a while (you can lie and say you don't know about it, it's okay).


This plane is called the Concorde. It flew for almost 30 years in the late 20th century for British Airways and Air France. Its ground-breaking design allowed passengers to travel between New York and London in only 2 hours and 52 minutes. That's less than half the time it currently takes to fly the same route, and this was almost 50 years ago.


So why did this plane stop flying?


The Concorde fought an uphill battle from the start. A few main causes were lack of demand from airlines, the downturn in travel after September 11th, the "sonic boom" that meant it could only travel across the ocean (otherwise it would cause windows of nearby buildingsĀ to shatter wherever it flew), and the expensive cost of maintenance.


Things have changed a lot since then, and that's why a new plane manufacturer called Boom has decided to design a similar plane with newer materials, improved performance, and sustainable fuel. Boom has been developing these planes for years now, but still doesn't expect them to fly passengers until at least 2029. They also don't have any engine manufacturer committed to designing engines for the planeā€¦ which, you know, is kind of important.


Despite these setbacks, American Airlines recently put down a deposit for 20 of these planesĀ earlier this month šŸ¤‘.


Millions of dollars, no engines, and we can't use them for 10 years?

Take my money gif

What does this mean for the future of travel?


I find this to be really cool to think about. In the next 10 years, we could be traveling around the world in half the time it currently takes. Technology has changed a lot in the last 20 years, so this new Boom plane wouldn't face nearly as many hurdles as the Concorde did in its day.


Now we just need to develop a cure for jetlag...

šŸ–¼ Amazing travel meme

British Airways meme

Anyone else feel this way right about now? šŸ˜‚

That's all for today. I'm gonna go visit the famous Panama Canal and enjoy some Panamanian street food.

Have you flown on Flair Airlines before? Have any of you been lucky enough to have flownĀ in a Concorde back in the day? Let me know by responding to this email or on social media. I try my best to respond to as many messages as possible, so don't hesitate to reach out šŸ˜Š


Until next time,

Mike Dodge

ā€‹HeadĀ Writer, The Daily Drop

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